AppleScript commands are implemented in BTV for the following actions:
Recording movie files (start/stop) with optional filename
PICT capture
Video control (pause/resume)
Mouse control (show/hide) <-only works in full screen mode
Mode control (full screen mode/window mode)
Size control (video width, video height)
Volume/mute control
So a sample script that loads BTV, sets the display to full screen mode, sets the volume to the maximum and hides the mouse would look like this:
tell application "BTV"
full screen mode
set volume to 7
hide mouse
end tell
The reason for the 'launch' command is so that BTV loads in the background without any open windows so you can decide on full screen or window mode before BTV has reverted to the previously saved setting. You must use the 'activate' command after setting BTV to full screen mode or else the video display will draw over other application's open windows.
To see all available commands for BTV: open Script Editor, choose 'Open Dictionary' from the File menu and select BTV.
If there are any AppleScript commands you would find useful please email me ( and I'll implement them.